Rigorous Mathematical Thinking (RMT) Based on Gender in the Real Analysis Course
Siska Firmasari (1), Herri Sulaiman (2), Wahyu Hartono (3), Muchamad Subali Noto (4*)

(1,2,3,4) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Jl. Perjuangan No. 01, Cirebon, 45135, Indonesia


Real analysis is a course that is abstract level. The interviews with some students reveal those perceptions. Male students are weak in understanding basic concepts, while women are always follow on examples of questions and answers from lecturers. Consequently, their abstraction abilities do not develop. As a result, regular lectures of Real Analysis have not been able to elevate students rigorous mathematical thinking abilities efficiently for both genders. To provide appropriate treatment to each student, the lecturer should know the rigourous mathematical thinking ability of the students. Therefore, this study aims to identify students rigourous mathematical thinking abilities in Real Analysis courses. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The research instruments are test questions and interview sheets. This study concludes students with top cognitive skills are at the RMT level 3 cognitive function of abstract relational thinking. Medium at level 2, which is quantitative thinking with accuracy. Finally, the low cognitive skills are at level 1, namely qualitative thinking. Male students of all three levels of cognitive ability have a simple way of thinking impacting on a short answer pattern. While female students, the way of thinking systematic so that the pattern of the answer is long but sorted.

Keywords: Rigorous Mathematical Thinking, Gender, Real Analysis

Topic: 1. Mathematics Education

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