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301. Profile of Pre-Service Biology Teachers Critical Thinking Skills Based on Learning Project toward Sustainable Development
J Jumrodah, S Liliasari, and Y Hilmi Adisendjaja

302. Profile of pre-service physics teachers decision-making skills related to electric circuit
Y Yusal1, A Suhandi2, W Setiawan2 and I Kaniawati2

303. Profile of Scientific Literacy Competence Student on Temperature and Heat Matter
Yuyus Ahmad Hidayat(1) , Parsaoran Siahaan(2), Winny Liliawati(2)

304. Profile of scientific reasoning skill and ecological intelligence of pre-service biology teacher
A Putra1,2), T Hidayat1,3,A Rahmat1 and S Redjeki1

305. Profile of senior high school students scientific literacy in Banda Aceh
N S Rahmayani*, M Arifin, and Y Sunarya

306. Profile of Student Metacognition with Rasch Analysis and Student Ability in Problem Solving
Antonius Eko Kustanto (a*), Setiya Utari (b)

307. Profile of students scientific literacy in application integrated science on the theme of air pollution
Y Yamin, A Permanasari, S Redjeki, and W Sopandi

308. Profile of the prospective teachers response to the development of scientific communication skills through physics learning
E Erwin; NY Rustaman; H Firman; TR Ramalis

309. Project Based Learning Application to Develop Entrepreneurship of Preservice Teacher
Ruhana Afifi, Lia Yulisma

310. Prospective Biology Teachers Critical Thinking Skills in Microbiology Argument-Based Inquiry Laboratory Activities
Evi Roviati, Ari Widodo, Widi Purwianingsih, Riandi

311. Prospective biology teachers inquiry ability in free inquiry learning of molecular biology
Evi Suryanti (1,2*), Any Fitriani (1,3), Sri Redjeki (1) and Riandi (1,3)

312. Psychological view on students conviction in mathematical proof
Fuat, Toto Nusantara, Edy Bambang Irawan, Santi Irawati

313. Reconstruction of Collaborative Problem Solving Based Learning in Thermodynamics with the Aid of Interactive Simulation and Derivative Games
A R Sinensis1*,H Firman2,I Hamidah3, and Muslim4

314. Relationship between Content Knowledge and General Pedagogical Knowledge on Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Yuli Hartati, Anna Permanasari, Wahyu Sopandi, Ahmad Mudzakir

315. Restructuring of STEM-Based Student Thinking in Constructing The Concept of a Function Definition
Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah(a*), Toto Nusantara(b), Sudirman(b), and Sisworo(b)

316. Revitalizing students activities in reading and writing in science: An investment in educational improvement
Tomo Djudin

317. Science Learning Package Using Guided Inquiry To Increase Students Science Process Skills
Reva Rensila Iasha, Mohamad Nur, Muhammad Thamrin Hidayat

318. Science Teacher Educator and Authentic Assessment: Attitude toward NoS and Its Assessment in Science Instruction
N Y Rustaman, D Rusdiana, W Liliawati, R Effendi

319. Science Textbook Based on Science, Technology and Society in Elementary School
A Kartikasari, Roemintoyo, and S Yaminah

320. Scientific Approach in Developing Mathematical Analogy and Communication Ability of Junior High School Students in Remote Areas
Heris Hendriana, Harry Dwi Putra, Muhammad Ghyiats Ristiana

321. Sharing and Jumping Task Design on Chemical Equilibrium Lesson for Improving Learning Quality at Senior High School
Wina Nurningsari (a*), Asep Supriatna (b), Sumar Hendayana (b)

322. smart city design in learning science to grow 21st century skills in elementary school student
Rizki Hadiwijaya Zulkarnaen; Wawan Setiawan; Dadi Rusdiana; Muslim

323. Softskill Profile and Prospective Students Habits Of Mind Biology Teacher
I Y N Hizqiyah, A Widodo, A. Permanasari, S.Sriyati, and I Ahmad, Y Ibrahim

324. Solubility equlibrium learning suported by PhET SS
S Sari1, S A Destianti1, F S Irwansyah1*), C Z Subarkah1, H Aulawi2, M A Ramdhani3

325. Strategic Competence in Solving Financial Problems: A Case Study of Climber Students
I Sabilah(a*), TYE Siswono(b), Masriyah(b)

326. Student difficulties in solving geometry problem based on van hiele thinking level
Dwi Laila Sulistiowati (1*), Tatang Herman (2), Al Jupri (2)

327. Student Difficulties in Word Problems of Derivatives: A Multisemiotic Perspective
Namirah Fatmanissa, Kusnandi, and Dian Usdiyana

328. Student Difficulties on Understanding Word Problem Based on ESD Goals
Maratus Sholehah, Tatang Herman, Dadang Juandi

329. Students ability of mathematical representation on statistics topic in elementary school
Laely Farokhah (a*), Tatang Herman (b), and Al Jupri (b)

330. Students achievement in Lawsons Classroom Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR) The effect of gender and age on scientific reasoning ability
Novia,1.a), Syamsu2), and Riandi3)

331. Students attitude toward science in junior high school after follow science learning used ILD model assisted science magic
S R Ananda1*, A Suhandi2 and T Rahman3

332. Students Concept Mastering Analysis on Astronomy: Case Study in Physics Education Department Universitas PGRI Semarang
Susilawati; Dadi Rusdiana

333. Students conceptual understanding in modified flipped classroom approach: an experimental study in junior high school science learning
Mentari Darma Putri (1*), Dadi Rusdiana (2), Diana Rochintaniawati (3)

334. Students critical thinking skills toward analyzing argumentation on heat conductivity concept
N Nurjannah, A Setiawan, D Rusdiana, and M Muslim

335. Students Critical-Metacognition Activity Based On Their Personality Type
L D Fitriana * and Y Fuad **

336. Students Difficulties in Solving Geometrical Problems from Matematization Perspective
Elvilia Suaebah (a*), Mardiyana Mardiyana (a), Dewi Reno Sari (a)

337. Students Ecological Intelligence Ability on the Environmental Knowledge Course
A Putra1,2, A Rahmat1, S Redjeki1 and T Hidayat1,3 1 Science Education Study Program, Post-Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Samawa, Sumbawa Besar Jl. By pass sering, Kerato, Unter Iwes, Kabupaten Sumbawa 84316, Indonesia 3 Biology Education Study Program, Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu Jalan Bali I Po. Box. 118, Bengkulu 38119, Indonesia

338. Students Error in Solving Mathematical Word Problems in Geometry
M D Haryanti (1*), T Herman (2), and S Prabawanto (2)

339. Students Error on Mathematical Literacy Problems
Rini Haswin Pala*, Tatang Herman, and Sufyani Prabawanto

L Harun (a,b*), D Darhim (a), J A Dahlan (a), Y Harisman (a,c), A Sovia (a,c) and M T Bakar (a,d)

341. Students lateral mathematical thinking ability on trigonometric problems
M E Nggaba, T Herman, and S Prabawanto

342. Students Learning Achievement using Knisley Learning Model with Brainstorming Method
N Anaguna, S Suhendra

343. Students mathematical critical thinking ability on cube and cuboid problems
Manto Lumban Gaol (a*), S Prabawanto (b), D Usdiyana (b)

344. Students mathematical understanding reviewed by gender through discourse learning assisted by mathematical bet line strategy
1) I M Pratiwi, 2) S P D Rachman, and 3) V A N Ariawan

345. Students profile about analytical thinking skills on respiratory system subject material
W Prawita1, BA Prayitno1, and Sugiyarto1

346. Students self-efficacy of mathematics through brain based learning
Lili Riskiningtyas dan Muhammad Nur Wangid

347. Students statistical literacy on junior high school
Nana Mulya, Elah Nurlaelah, Sufyani Prabawanto

348. Students thinking processes on Blooms taxonomy: exploring direct instruction learning model
Arif Widayanto, Hasih Pratiwi, Mardiyana

349. Students Visual-Spatial Ability in Representing Single Cell Epidermis of Rhoeo discolor leaf
H Azalia, A Rahmat, and E Nuraeni

350. Students Worksheet Based on Realistic Mathematics Education: How The Effect Toward Reasoning Ability?
W A Basuki1*, and A Wijaya2

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